Compliance Turquoise Health Releases Hospital MRF Generation Knowledge Repository Might as well put our thousands of hours working with MRFs to good use, right?
Employers The Price Transparency Discount-Double-Check For Employers Self-insured employers have an average savings opportunity of 27% across 500 common healthcare services.
Price Transparency How We’re Cracking Into New Series B Capital, Transparently Let’s take a moment to expand on our future master plans.
Price Transparency Moving into 2024: State of Price Transparency It's 2024, how's price transparency looking? Swell, folks. Swell.
Hospital Data Turquoise Health Submits Comment on the 2024 OPPS Proposed Rule The Proposed Rule contains updates to Hospital Price Transparency requirements.
Payer Data Prescription Drugs are Coming to a Payer MRF Near You CMS announced the deferred enforcement period is coming to an end.
Price Transparency Why Bother Matching Hospital Rates To Payer Rates You can play Go-Fish or you can play Data-Go-Fish. The choice is yours.
Price Transparency I’m a specialty healthcare organization, why do I need so much price transparency data? Spoiler alert: You don’t.
Price Transparency The Difference Between Claims Data & Price Transparency Data Like all good things, it’s ~nuanced~
Compliance CMS Releases Required Schemas for Hospital MRFs If finalized, the required schemas go into effect on 3/1/2024.
Payer Data A Petabyte of Health Insurance Prices Per Month Why is there so much data and how do we shrink it?
Price Transparency Outlier Detection in Price Transparency Data, or: Outlier Liar Pants on Fire Join Data Scientist and Disney Enthusiast Corey as we explore the three-year evolution of our outlier detection model.
Getting Started Diving Into Urgent Care Rates vs. Emergency Room Rates TL;DR: Your old pricing strategy sleeps with the fishes.
Price Transparency Price Transparency Scorecard: An Update for Psychiatric and Rehabilitation Centers A quick update on how our scoring has evolved to better analyze transparency.
Getting Started How to Use Price Transparency Data in Managed Care Negotiations We see your per diem and raise you one case rate.
Price Transparency 2022 Price Transparency Data Year In Review Join us as we look back on 2022 through the most interesting, surprising, and down-right silly data insights we could find.
Healthcare What Groundhog Day Can Teach Healthcare About Price Transparency Managed care contract negotiations have looked the same, day in and day out, for decades. We think it's time to break the cycle.
Price Transparency 2021 Price Transparency Data Year In Review Join us as we look back on 2021 through the most interesting, surprising, and down-right silly data insights we could find.
Legislation Yes, Hospitals Still Have to Publish Their Medicare Advantage Rates A change in unrelated legislation fueled misleading price transparency headlines. We dug in to set the record straight.
Legislation Help CMS decide how to penalize non-transparent hospitals What should the penalty be for noncompliance with price transparency laws? We've created an interactive tool to help you decide so you can give your input to CMS.
Price Transparency A Search Engine to Rule Them All We are proud to announce our Provider Rate Search that makes the hospital rates data even more accessible.
Legislation No Surprises Act FAQs: Applicability and Enforcement Who is subject to the No Surprises Act, and how will it be enforced?
Healthcare Decoding Price Transparency Legislation: The No Surprises Act How will the No Surprises Act protect patients, and what does compliance look like for payers and providers?